Le Monde de Sophie

mercredi, novembre 01, 2006

Nous aimons notre bain

Nous aimons notre bain!

Quand nous restons dans le meme maison pour un peu plus longtemps, maman veux constructer un ofuro - une bain Japonais pour tout la famille.


  • Bummer, I can't read your blog!

    I don't know about the frozen baby food thing. If you make your own, you could always make it for two or three days at a time and not freeze it. Use fresh veggies and steam them to soften them to keep most of the vitamins in there.

    I don't know. :-) I'm not a professional or anything. I just learned from some of my other girlfriends.

    Your baby is adorable. You have a beautiful family!

    By Anonymous Anonyme, at mercredi, 01 novembre, 2006  

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